Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Just like that.

Sometimes, life just sucks. And it isn’t necessarily the by-product of a personal choice, self pity, or the unnecessary enunciation of a disappointing event. Sometimes, it just downright sucks.

I think the worst thing for most people to face is the fact that this entire phenomenon is pretty much inevitable. Life isn’t always fun and it isn’t always pretty. But what frustrates me to infinite degrees is when these “most people” trample any remnants of joy left in those around them in an attempt to improve their own mood. That they should poison the flowery fields of bliss in order to cultivate their own alien plants instills in me such disappointment, I doubt the day I discovered our family’s ginger gene could ever compare.

Perhaps my hypocrisy shines through in the fact that being permanently joyous is not a talent I myself possess. Digging yourself a hole in which you can cry and brood is easy. And occasionally, it's okay to be sad. But actually just woke up one day and decided I didn’t want to feel like that anymore. Or ever again. So I changed…. Just. Like. That.

It's comforting to know that once you have seen the dark side of things, you experience the light in a completely new way. Sometimes having been to the other side allows for a more optimal experience of true joy. 

Water, is taught by thirst.
Land - by the Oceans passed.
Transport - by throe -
Peace - by its battles told -
Love, by Memorial Mold -
Birds, by the Snow.
                                         -Emily Dickinson, 1859

It is the day you discover what you have been missing that will enlighten your entire soul. It is the day you decide that you actually want to live and really experience what life has to offer, that you will discover that all there is, is you taking control of what you know you deserve from life. Become nestled in the prospect of immersing your life in something beautiful, and it will serve as a freedom from everything of the everyday that makes life suck just a little. 

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